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Latent Semantic Indexing Keywords
The term LSI, or Latent Semantic Indexing Keyword, is most commonly used while studying digital marketing or SEO services in Dubai. But why is this so? So, in this blog post, we’ll look at this word and tell you seven things you should know.
What are the LSI keywords?
Previously, Google relied purely on keyword density to determine the fundamental notion of a page. However, as Google has become wiser, it now looks for LSI keywords in addition to the core term. They are not synonyms for the core keyword, but rather are closely related and frequently seen together due to their shared context.

For example, suppose your blog article or material is on “hot chocolate.” Then Google will not just look at how many times and in what context you used it in the title tag, image alt text, etc. It will also look for related phrases such as “temperature,” “hot,” “boil,” and so on. These are simply LSI keywords that increase Google’s confidence that the page is about “hot chocolate.”.

But why did Google begin using them instead of just the primary keyword?
Why does Google employ LSI keywords?
Previously, the primary focus was on keyword occurrence, which led to keyword stuffing and abuse being an issue. As a result, Google shifted its focus away from keyword density and toward LSI keywords as well.
For example, a respectable page about “hot chocolate” would include relevant words such as “temperature,” “boil,” “hot,” etc. A keyword-loaded text might include this term, i.e., ‘hot chocolate’, several times.
Another major reason for shifting the focus away from the main keyword was to provide searchers with the most relevant sites and results to their query while still extracting the near-exact meaning of the web page. This allows Google to better comprehend the user’s query and deliver highly relevant results.
Relationship between the Hummingbird Algorithm and LSI Keywords.
Among the several algorithms used by Google to rank in SERPs, Hummingbird was introduced in August 2013.
What it does is understand and examine each word in the context of a search query. In this approach, it connects the user’s query purpose to the search results, i.e., the meaning, presenting only essential and relevant to-the-point results.
But how does this contribute to the higher ranking?
How do LSI keywords help SEO and increase rankings?
They contribute to better and higher rankings in the following three ways:
They help learn the general context of the webpage, resulting in a higher ranking if the purpose of the user’s query matches the context of the webpage.
If you’ve run out of keywords in your text, repeating them again can result in keyword stuffing, which is penalized. However, you can employ LSI keywords that are not synonyms but rather are contextually comparable to the main term.
Last but not least, they serve as variations of the core keyword. As a result, appropriate use of these can help you rank highly in search results or on the first page for both your primary and LSI keywords. Thus, the same effort yielded better outcomes.
Where and how can I find such keywords?
There are several tools to look for potentially powerful keywords. Some of these tools include:
Google Search
Simply fill in your main keyword, and any other LSI keywords will be presented in bold alongside the main keyword, demonstrating what you might utilize throughout your text.
Google Auto-Suggest
When you enter your query, Google’s AutoSuggest suggests comparable terms that users frequently search for. They are actually gathered around your search term in predictable patterns.
LSI Graph
It is a free tool for finding keywords that are comparable in context to your main term, but only by scrolling through the results after typing the main one.
And there are several more to count.
How do I apply these LSI keywords?
Simply scatter them throughout your article at a suitable density for the main keyword. Simply substitute synonyms for the core keyword. You can use them in H1, H2, Title, First Paragraph, Image Alt Texts, and pretty much anywhere you utilize your main keyword.
How can you prevent stuffing keywords?
Even employing LSI keywords can result in overstuffing if one term is used too frequently. To avoid this, utilize only one or two keywords throughout the context.
So, we hope you learned enough to improve your post for next time!

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